... to say goodbye to London adventure and hello to my next chapter in Canada. Since I made my decision at the beginning of May to move home up until a few days ago, I was pure excitement and you probably couldn't have gotten me out of London fast enough. Now that it's pretty much only a matter of hours until I get on that plane home, I'd say my speed and anxiousness to leave has slowed down its pace a bit.
It really is bittersweet, because while I'm so excited to see my friends and family at home, it means leaving friends here in London that have become so dear to my heart. Friends that I may not see for a long long time, as they begin their own new adventures or continue on the one they are already on. I'm going to miss everyone so much. But, we'll always have our memories of the times we shared and the adventures we had. For me, most of them will be in this blog but the special ones will always be in my heart.
There are things about London that I am going to miss. You spend 11 months living in a city, you do become attached. I'll miss the wonderful public transportation system that London has. It's so easy to get anywhere, there really is very little need for a car if you live within the city. I'll miss London's laidback attitude about alcohol and drinking. Not only do you have excellent ciders at your fingertips, but it's also perfectly okay to go and enjoy these ciders on a Sunday morning at a pub. Then spend all day in that pub, hanging out, playing cards and darts, and just drinking the day away. I'll miss all of the exciting events and opportunities that London offers for it's population to take advantage of, and so many of them are free or very cheap! There is always something to do in London if you are looking for it. Of course, I'll also miss some of my favourite places...Big Ben, Primrose Hill, Buckingham Palace - you are all London for me.
London took some getting used to. There was a good 3 months or so adjustment period for living here, which everyone told me there would be but I didn't really take it seriously until I went through it. However, I never completely adjusted to the point that I could stay here indefinitely. I've realised how much Canada has to offer and how the little things you take for a granted and annoy you the most at times are what you miss the most. Perfect example? Customer service. Even working in retail I used to be so annoyed by the constant "Hi, do you need a hand today?" or "Hello, is there anything I can help you find?". I used to pray to just be able to go into a store and not be noticed or hassled too much while I shopped. Now, it would make me so happy if I could go into a shop in London and be greeted, or at the very least have my presence acknowledged! Another example? I'm so glad that Canada doesn't charge two different prices depending on whether you are eating in or getting take out. I really think this is annoying, because if you say take out, then you can't even sit down for a second and not feel guilty! But if you eat in, then you are forced to stay there and drink your entire coffee or tea before you leave. And just the fact that there are two different prices on food and drinks depending is silly. It's not that much extra work is it?
Anyways, I'm excited to return home but it's another change just as coming here was. There will still be a period of adjustment to experience. I'm moving back in with my parents, sharing their vehicles, starting a new job, and having a completely different routine than I've become used to. But, I'm ready for it.
Lastly, I promise you, I will not miss a time difference when talking to my parents or having to really on Skype either!
When I touch down in Toronto and set foot in Pearson International Airport on Friday, I don't even think the Hulk could hold me back from walking as fast as I can to security, through baggage claim, and out to greet the world. It will be wonderful, and I will try and keep it together, but no promises that I won't burst into tears at the sight of and hugs from my Mom, brother, and Denise.
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