Monday, 22 July 2013

Cinema Lover

I love going to the movies, or to the cinema as they say here! It's one of my favourite things to do. I find the experience of seeing a movie in a theatre is so much more exciting than watching it at home. That's why, I'll see almost any movie in the theatre but I am much more picky about the movies I choose to watch at home. During my Adventure Abroad, I saw several movies at the cinema. I was lucky to live somewhere with 2 cinemas each a 5 minute walk or less away! Here are the movies I saw in order of when I saw them...

1. Looper

2. Skyfall 007

3. Argo

4. The Perks of Being A Wallflower

5. Madagascar 3

6. Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2

7. Gambit

8. Silver Linings Playbook

9. Rise of the Guardians

10. Quartet

11. Django Unchained

12. Flight

13. Springbreakers

14. The Great Gatsby

15. Stuck In Love

16. The Internship

17. Monsters University

18. Pacific Rim (in IMAX 3D which was actually pretty terrific)

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