Conversation #1: During literacy, we were looking at headlines and article introductions and one article was about conkers. I know what you are wondering...the same thing as me. What is a conker? Well, does this look familiar...

Apparently a conker is another name for a chestnut seed AND even for the tree itself! WHO KNEW! The fact that I had these trees on my front yard growing up and I never knew that word!
Conversation #2: So, as I was walking around the classroom helping students with independent work, I noticed a girl had a One Direction water bottle. So, of course I said "I like your water bottle". She said thanks, then she asked who my favourite member was. I said Harry. "Why?" she asked. "Because he's cute and has nice hair." I said. The girls snickered. Then, she asked "Have you seen the music video for..and at this point she whispers K-I-S-S me?" I was like "You mean Kiss me, yes I have". And more snickers ensued. She then went on to imitate the way Harry dances in the video. Too cute! I'm a teacher who likes One Direction and I am proud!
Conversation #3: In Science, they are starting a unit on Teeth & Eating. So, we were talking about healthy eating, and just brainstorming foods we know that are good for us. The typical answers followed (broccoli, carrots, milk, bananas etc) and then one little girl puts up her hand. "Red wine" she says. Haha what? How old are you? I say. "Oh, do your parents drink that?". She answers "Yes, they say it lowers cholesterol and blood pressure." Oh bless you child. I then went on to admit that I drink red wine sometimes myself!
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