For Girls!
Today, I got a call for supply work at an all-girls prep school. The school and experience reminded me of Anne of Green Gables when Anne becomes a teacher at the private girls boarding school. The atmosphere at Blackheath High was very similar. The girls seemed very bright and hardworking, as well as helpful and friendly towards their teachers and their peers. The class sizes were smaller, a max of 22 girls in each class, with 2 or 3 classes for each year group.
It's different teaching to just girls. You realize the differences to how girls and boys learn. The majority of the work I gave the students today was work-sheet based and independent or partner based. The girls made sure their notebooks were neat and tidy, used their best handwriting all the times, and kept their books organized (using rulers at all times to underline!). Most boys just don't have these same tendencies, especially at Year 5, which is the age I was in most of the day.
I did get to do Art with a Year 3 class, where they were tracing Egyptian patterns that could be used to decorate pots and artefacts in their sketch books and then just colouring them with coloured pencils. It was so fun, I even joined in because the girls were working so quietly!
While I'm sure the girls have their share of drama between each other, it just seemed like a nice change to be in a classroom without any boys about to hit puberty or acting silly or having too much energy for their own good.
Sometimes I appreciate on-call supply days because you just don't know where you will end up. It could be a school in Tottenham (the lower-class, more urban area of the city) or it could be a lovely all-girls school! Just another opportunity that I wouldn't get supply teaching in Canada!
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” – Mark Twain
Tuesday, 29 January 2013
Sunday, 20 January 2013
Shrek The Musical
On Wednesday, January 16th, I saw Shrek the Musical!
It was very well done. It told the story from the first movie, about Shrek's quest to save his swamp, that involved rescuing Princess Fiona for Lord Farquaad, but in the end resulted in true love for Princess Fiona and Shrek. I enjoyed how they incorporated songs to express the feelings of the characters, in a way that wasn't done in the movie. The set was very colourful, and all of the fairy tale creatures were present. Even some of the jokes were the same from the movie.
I definitely recommend the musical for any fans of the Shrek movies!
It was very well done. It told the story from the first movie, about Shrek's quest to save his swamp, that involved rescuing Princess Fiona for Lord Farquaad, but in the end resulted in true love for Princess Fiona and Shrek. I enjoyed how they incorporated songs to express the feelings of the characters, in a way that wasn't done in the movie. The set was very colourful, and all of the fairy tale creatures were present. Even some of the jokes were the same from the movie.
I definitely recommend the musical for any fans of the Shrek movies!
Snow, Snow, Go Away, Come Again NEVER!
Seriously, I thought I left snow behind in Canada. I was so excited to come back to a great land of around 0 degrees temperatures, rain, and somewhat mild winters. That was the case for the first few days back, but now, this past week it's become a bit of a winter wonderland.
Mind you, there hasn't been a large amount of accumulation of snow. It comes, and then it melts and turns into slush, and then it comes again. But slush is the worst! It's about as awful as mud in my opinion. It splashes, it leaves marks on your boots, and it's just plain wet.
A lot of Britains just aren't prepared for snow either. Their reaction to an inch of snow is like Canada's reaction to a foot of snow. Should we close school early? Should we have school at all? There's panic all over the city. Trains are delayed, cars drive extremely carefully (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) and people don't go outside. I mean, I guess their reactions make sense and personally I don't want to be out in the weather either. I guess when you are used to the snow it just all seems a bit silly for the actual amount of snow they get.
Anyways, I hope it leaves soon. When I complain about not liking snow, people are shocked because I'm Canadian. Then, the look on their faces when they learn I don't like hockey either!
Well, here's a couple pictures from the snowy week here across the pond!
Mind you, there hasn't been a large amount of accumulation of snow. It comes, and then it melts and turns into slush, and then it comes again. But slush is the worst! It's about as awful as mud in my opinion. It splashes, it leaves marks on your boots, and it's just plain wet.
A lot of Britains just aren't prepared for snow either. Their reaction to an inch of snow is like Canada's reaction to a foot of snow. Should we close school early? Should we have school at all? There's panic all over the city. Trains are delayed, cars drive extremely carefully (which isn't necessarily a bad thing) and people don't go outside. I mean, I guess their reactions make sense and personally I don't want to be out in the weather either. I guess when you are used to the snow it just all seems a bit silly for the actual amount of snow they get.
Anyways, I hope it leaves soon. When I complain about not liking snow, people are shocked because I'm Canadian. Then, the look on their faces when they learn I don't like hockey either!
Well, here's a couple pictures from the snowy week here across the pond!
I'm glad at least one person in our flat is excited about snow. Matt didn't even bother to put shoes or socks on!
Monday, 14 January 2013
3 Conversations in Year 3
I must say, Year 3's really do say the most interesting things! Here are 3 conversations I had today in my Year 3 class.
Conversation #1: During literacy, we were looking at headlines and article introductions and one article was about conkers. I know what you are wondering...the same thing as me. What is a conker? Well, does this look familiar...

Apparently a conker is another name for a chestnut seed AND even for the tree itself! WHO KNEW! The fact that I had these trees on my front yard growing up and I never knew that word!
Conversation #2: So, as I was walking around the classroom helping students with independent work, I noticed a girl had a One Direction water bottle. So, of course I said "I like your water bottle". She said thanks, then she asked who my favourite member was. I said Harry. "Why?" she asked. "Because he's cute and has nice hair." I said. The girls snickered. Then, she asked "Have you seen the music video for..and at this point she whispers K-I-S-S me?" I was like "You mean Kiss me, yes I have". And more snickers ensued. She then went on to imitate the way Harry dances in the video. Too cute! I'm a teacher who likes One Direction and I am proud!
Conversation #3: In Science, they are starting a unit on Teeth & Eating. So, we were talking about healthy eating, and just brainstorming foods we know that are good for us. The typical answers followed (broccoli, carrots, milk, bananas etc) and then one little girl puts up her hand. "Red wine" she says. Haha what? How old are you? I say. "Oh, do your parents drink that?". She answers "Yes, they say it lowers cholesterol and blood pressure." Oh bless you child. I then went on to admit that I drink red wine sometimes myself!
Conversation #1: During literacy, we were looking at headlines and article introductions and one article was about conkers. I know what you are wondering...the same thing as me. What is a conker? Well, does this look familiar...

Apparently a conker is another name for a chestnut seed AND even for the tree itself! WHO KNEW! The fact that I had these trees on my front yard growing up and I never knew that word!
Conversation #2: So, as I was walking around the classroom helping students with independent work, I noticed a girl had a One Direction water bottle. So, of course I said "I like your water bottle". She said thanks, then she asked who my favourite member was. I said Harry. "Why?" she asked. "Because he's cute and has nice hair." I said. The girls snickered. Then, she asked "Have you seen the music video for..and at this point she whispers K-I-S-S me?" I was like "You mean Kiss me, yes I have". And more snickers ensued. She then went on to imitate the way Harry dances in the video. Too cute! I'm a teacher who likes One Direction and I am proud!
Conversation #3: In Science, they are starting a unit on Teeth & Eating. So, we were talking about healthy eating, and just brainstorming foods we know that are good for us. The typical answers followed (broccoli, carrots, milk, bananas etc) and then one little girl puts up her hand. "Red wine" she says. Haha what? How old are you? I say. "Oh, do your parents drink that?". She answers "Yes, they say it lowers cholesterol and blood pressure." Oh bless you child. I then went on to admit that I drink red wine sometimes myself!
Saturday, 5 January 2013
My Christmas Vacation (Pretty Much As Amazing As National Lampoon's)
Hey all!
So, after my overnight flight back across the pond, I am in London town now. Thank you to the supply pilot who covered for the original flight pilot who fell ill on route to Toronto and wasn't able to drive the plane back! It just shows that whether it be supply pilots or supply teachers, we are both equally important.
I must say that my Christmas vacation was exactly what I hoped for and more! Thank you to my adorable Mom who did not fail on the quality time front for the family. I saw 2 musical productions: Annie (which is one of my favourites!) and Top of the Pops: A British Invasion which allowed me to enjoy a slice of Britain while I was in Canada. I was taken on a secret adventure to Anna Mae's bakery in Millbank, ON for a traditional breakfast and a Mennonite homemade sugar-free (for my Diabetic Dad) cherry pie, and then visited St. Jacob's Farmers Market. I was surprised by two of my best friends at two different times. One surprise even brought me to tears it was that shocking! (You got me good Mama Jane & Chandra!). Then there was family night at Woodbine Raceway where I enjoyed the delicious buffet and cheering on the horses, and my brother and parents enjoyed placing small bets. I spent 48 hours in St. Catharines, including New Year's Eve and got to see my two favourite people who have names starting with D. And yes, I spent my New Year's Eve enjoying a great Milestones dinner and watching Aladdin and Beauty & The Beast. To all you doubters of this plan out there, YES WE HAD FUN! Plus, I got to see Taylor Swift perform at Times Square on television while curled up with my new Taylor Swift blanket. So, what could possibly top that?! Oh ya, and don't forget there was Christmas in there too! The highlight of the Christmas family time? Doing numerous trivia quizzes on and playing lots of card games! I've never been so into a game as I was during that roaring match of 31! Oh ya, and I can't forget I was able to relive my glory days as a Page at Ingersoll Public Library by helping out the ladies on Wednesday night. Then, the fate which led Gail and I to Boston Pizza for dinner where we find out appetizers are half price after nine and we had the nicest waiter I've had in a long long time!
So, those are the artificial highlights of my Christmas vacation. However, there are also emotional realizations that I came to over the 16 days as well. Realization #1: I'm not ready for small-town life. That one came to me on the drive home from the airport on my very first day. Seeing country roads and cornfields and farm animals, ya not really in my near future of everyday life. Realization #2: You just can't beat quality time with people you love. There is absolutely 100% nothing better. Realization #3: Sometimes it just takes a bit of research and self-reflection to figure out what you truly want in life and what makes you happy. Once you figure that out, go and get it. Be determined, and never give up. Realization #4: Let people know how you feel, especially about them. If you love someone, tell them. If you're upset with someone, tell them. Speak up. Realization #5: I miss St. Catharines and I miss Niagara. So, you can bet your bottom dollar that I'll be doing my best to get myself back in that area when I come home in August. Oh ya, and Realization #6: I'm going to enjoy these next 7 months and be glad for the opportunities and experiences that I am able to have, but I'm moving home in August to be closer to the people who I love. Because Realization #7 (although I already knew this): People matter. Love matters. And good people and good friends are rare in this world, so when you find people that you really get along with, people who are honest and loyal, hold on to them and keep them close. Never let them go!
With all this said, I am ready to see what 2013 brings me! Taylor Swift says it's going to be a good year (13 is her number for all of you who don't know that) and I can't help but be optimistic and positive as well. :)
Here's to 2013 and the continuation of my adventure abroad!
So, after my overnight flight back across the pond, I am in London town now. Thank you to the supply pilot who covered for the original flight pilot who fell ill on route to Toronto and wasn't able to drive the plane back! It just shows that whether it be supply pilots or supply teachers, we are both equally important.
I must say that my Christmas vacation was exactly what I hoped for and more! Thank you to my adorable Mom who did not fail on the quality time front for the family. I saw 2 musical productions: Annie (which is one of my favourites!) and Top of the Pops: A British Invasion which allowed me to enjoy a slice of Britain while I was in Canada. I was taken on a secret adventure to Anna Mae's bakery in Millbank, ON for a traditional breakfast and a Mennonite homemade sugar-free (for my Diabetic Dad) cherry pie, and then visited St. Jacob's Farmers Market. I was surprised by two of my best friends at two different times. One surprise even brought me to tears it was that shocking! (You got me good Mama Jane & Chandra!). Then there was family night at Woodbine Raceway where I enjoyed the delicious buffet and cheering on the horses, and my brother and parents enjoyed placing small bets. I spent 48 hours in St. Catharines, including New Year's Eve and got to see my two favourite people who have names starting with D. And yes, I spent my New Year's Eve enjoying a great Milestones dinner and watching Aladdin and Beauty & The Beast. To all you doubters of this plan out there, YES WE HAD FUN! Plus, I got to see Taylor Swift perform at Times Square on television while curled up with my new Taylor Swift blanket. So, what could possibly top that?! Oh ya, and don't forget there was Christmas in there too! The highlight of the Christmas family time? Doing numerous trivia quizzes on and playing lots of card games! I've never been so into a game as I was during that roaring match of 31! Oh ya, and I can't forget I was able to relive my glory days as a Page at Ingersoll Public Library by helping out the ladies on Wednesday night. Then, the fate which led Gail and I to Boston Pizza for dinner where we find out appetizers are half price after nine and we had the nicest waiter I've had in a long long time!
So, those are the artificial highlights of my Christmas vacation. However, there are also emotional realizations that I came to over the 16 days as well. Realization #1: I'm not ready for small-town life. That one came to me on the drive home from the airport on my very first day. Seeing country roads and cornfields and farm animals, ya not really in my near future of everyday life. Realization #2: You just can't beat quality time with people you love. There is absolutely 100% nothing better. Realization #3: Sometimes it just takes a bit of research and self-reflection to figure out what you truly want in life and what makes you happy. Once you figure that out, go and get it. Be determined, and never give up. Realization #4: Let people know how you feel, especially about them. If you love someone, tell them. If you're upset with someone, tell them. Speak up. Realization #5: I miss St. Catharines and I miss Niagara. So, you can bet your bottom dollar that I'll be doing my best to get myself back in that area when I come home in August. Oh ya, and Realization #6: I'm going to enjoy these next 7 months and be glad for the opportunities and experiences that I am able to have, but I'm moving home in August to be closer to the people who I love. Because Realization #7 (although I already knew this): People matter. Love matters. And good people and good friends are rare in this world, so when you find people that you really get along with, people who are honest and loyal, hold on to them and keep them close. Never let them go!
With all this said, I am ready to see what 2013 brings me! Taylor Swift says it's going to be a good year (13 is her number for all of you who don't know that) and I can't help but be optimistic and positive as well. :)
Here's to 2013 and the continuation of my adventure abroad!
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