Friday, 14 September 2012

London Discovery #2

In Canada, small children (ages 3-6 roughly) are seen often holding their parent's hand, riding along in a stroller, or often attached to a leash when walking down a city street. Here's something that I think is fabulous that small children do in London. They ride along on scooters! Not the electronic kind of course, but that kind that came out when I was a kid that are made of metal, that the child pushes along with one foot while balancing on the scooter board with the other. Of course the child is also hanging on to the handle bars as well. In Canada, the scooter is merely a toy that a child rides around in the driveway or maybe to the end of the street and back. In London, it is a method of transport and way for the child to be independent while still riding close by to their parent. Some kids are even a few feet ahead of their parent walking behind. I would encourage Canadian parents to consider this idea. Considering how busy the streets of London are at all times, I think Canadian parents are way too protective of their children on city streets than necessary. Think about it, I have been in this city for 5 days now and I haven't seen one child on a leash. If I was in Toronto, I probably would have seen atleast a handful. Right?
Now, this may be borderline stalkerish but I had to include a photo to provide you all a visual with what I mean. Luckily it came out a bit blurry anyways!

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